Thursday, April 28, 2011

so some things i did last christmas- no actually the christmas before last (2010)- I was going to do a sculpture per day for the twelve days of christmas..these were the first two (i did six in the end).. this past year (2011) i did a painting every day for the twelve days, which went better .. i mean better in that i finished the twelve paintings.. maybe i'll put them up next time



Wednesday, April 6, 2011

a few pictures from my brithday celebration, combined with francesca's.. we did a big web of thread around some trees.. thinking i must be more regular with this blog thing.. try once a week maybe.. it was a lovely day, warm autumn here..

a few pics from my birthday - and francesca's,

Friday, April 23, 2010

Saturday, December 19, 2009

ages and ages since I put anything here - so here are some that the girls took on my mobile phone

Thursday, August 13, 2009

and francesca well used to face paint..
francesca with broken arm, celeste with the first face paint of her life (not done by me at home)

and here some francesca and celeste images..
so here some men, fathers.. we worked on making a playground climbing frame together.... and then a sculpture thing i made to do with my art therapy fantastic course..

so ages again su